First there was a long weekend in NYC, formed principally around a victory dinner at Daisy May's BBQ for the NASCAR Fantasy Picks winner, at which everyone felt like a winner. Where else can six people share four dinners and sweet tea from a Mason jar (not the same jar)?
This was our second trip to The City (and Daisy May's) and this time we did more tourist things, like seeing the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Security was tight. Before boarding the ferry, all the January clothes had to come off and take a ride through the xray machine. The temps were in the 30s; hat weather. Wearing a hat is a commitment because of what happens to the 'do. It is a testament to my family's fondness that they still associate with me. Spouse kept setting off the alarm, which tends to happen with titanium body parts, so he got the wand and was eventually allowed to pass. Then we all climbed back into boots, belts, coats, and hats, and made room for the others behind us. After a short boat ride, we were allowed to do the whole security dance again before seeing Lady Liberty. She is worth the price of admission, of course.
Half of our party took the steps, the other half the elevator, and we all arrived at the same time. After our visit, we were off to Ellis Island, and another ferry ride. We shared the ferry with pigeons who wouldn't have been an inconvenience to anyone if that little boy had not tried to catch them. Hats can be convenient inside as well as out. We walked around and read all the plaques and viewed the photos at Ellis Island, and the kids researched some ancestors. I looked around and hoped I wouldn't have to remove my hat again.
We squeezed a lot of fun into that weekend; walking, eating, sightseeing, touring, shopping, cab rides. We split into two groups for the cab rides. We girls had some very nice drivers, friendly and chatty, and I mostly understood what they were saying, although I feel I should be excused for thinking one driver said "footyball" because that night was the big game between the Patriots and the Jets, and the subject was on many lips. The guys had a memorable ride that involved a dent, much shouting, rough language, and fortunately no weapons. After four days and three nights, we made our long way home, six or seven hours of cab, train, and car rides, with a camera full of memories.
Two weeks later we were ready to travel again, this time to the DE/PA area for the Philly Car Show and to check out wedding venues. It was my first trip into Philly. We drove through China Town, a pretty quiet place at 6:45 am. Snow was everywhere, but we got to park close to the convention center in a garage. Then it was time for a select few to check out all the newest wheels on the planet. It was four hours of stationery test drives, and I had a blast. When would I ever get to sit in a $280,000 Bentley??? Well, not at this car show, but I did see one, almost close enough to touch, but that man was keeping a pretty close eye on things behind the ropes. The Jaguars, Porsches, Rolls Royces, cars like that were off limits, but we all sat in plenty of others; Camaros, Escalades, Mini Coopers, Suburbans, Flexes, FJ Cruisers, Acuras, Infinitis, Lotuses... it was hard to choose a favorite.
We enjoyed some fine dining with fine company, checked out the church and reception location, chose hotels, and all too soon it was time to leave for home. We waved goodbye, and got into the car. This trip was strictly by car, although we did see some cabs and trains. We hooked up Susie, our GPS, and off we went. Susie likes to suggest Rte. 95 through New York, and since 1977 when we took that route and did not especially care for it, we have not driven that way. Instead we swing wide along 287 and use the Tappan Zee Bridge. We have Tolly, our EZ Pass, so we get to breeze through toll booths, of which there were plenty on this trip.
We were half-heartedly watching for the Garden State Parkway exit, enjoying the sunny day, much nicer than the snowy day for the ride down, when all of a sudden we were driving by a big airport and refineries. In my glass-is-half-full way, I said I thought I remembered seeing the airport, but spouse was certain we had not seen refineries. This meant one thing and one thing only. We were headed for the Bronx. Spouse became crew chief and navigator (I was driving) and things started out fine and calm. I remembered spouse's parents ending up where they didn't want to be back in the 70s while traveling this road, and really did not want to end up at Yankee Stadium myself. (They missed their chance with us two weeks ago when their tours were sold out.) We were driving along in the light/medium traffic, and I saw a sign that said "Welcome to Manhattan", which would have been quite upsetting to me had we not just been to NYC and I knew that Manhattan was not actually a scary place, even though I am much more comfortable in the country than in the city. Deep breaths help out in so many situations, as they did until we were out of New York and following along the Metro North line through all the towns our express train had stopped at two weeks ago. Nearly felt like home. Spouse and I decided we could do the 95 way again, and save an hour of travel. We are such sophisticates.
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